Tuesday, August 16, 2011

上海昆剧团建团30周年纪念 (30 Anniversary For Shanghai Kun Opera Troupe Establish) [2-4/13 DVD9]

Kun opera or Kunqu Opera, is one of the oldest extant forms of Chinese opera. It evolved from the Kunshan melody, and dominated Chinese theatre from the 16th to the 18th centuries.

Shanghai Kun Opera Troupe (上海昆剧团) is one of the most famous Kun opera groups in today's China.

DVD2 - The Peony Pavilion 牡丹亭 - Act I - Shen Yili 沈昳丽 & Zhang Jun 张军
DVD3 - The Peony Pavilion 牡丹亭 - Act II - Yue Meiti 岳美缇 & Li Xuemei 李雪梅
DVD4 - The Peony Pavilion 牡丹亭 - Act III - Cai Zhengren 蔡正仁 & Zhang Jingxian 张静娴

Kun Opera Wikipedia
The Peony Pavilion Wikipedia


1 comment:

  1. http://www.fileserve.com/list/Gt5Jxz4
