Wednesday, February 29, 2012

清代古谱《弦索备考》全本 (Xian Suo Bei Kao) [3CD]

Briefly, this is a complete music recording about a score named “Xian Suo Bei Kao" written over 200 yrs ago.

Half a centery ago, there is only one person who has not been playing any music for decades knew how to read and play this score. Later musicans and scholars found that guy, and studied as well as recovered this score till 2009. Now this Qing Dynasty score has reborned.The China Central Television (CCTV) even make a short documentary for this.

I applauded for their efforts!

演奏者: 林玲(古箏)、谈龙建(三弦)、张强(琵琶)、薛克(胡琴)

央视国宝档案纪录片在土豆 - 上

央视国宝档案纪录片在土豆 - 下



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